Problems of older childhood and adolescence

Problems in older children frequently centre around their mood and behaviour, which are often linked.

It is well recognised that children, like adults can suffer from mental health problems, particularly depression and anxiety. These may be more difficult to spot in children as they often lack the ability to put their feelings into words.

These difficulties usually respond well to therapy which is adapted to suit the appropriate developmental level of each child.

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Older childhood is a period of substantial change and transition. It is a time of physical development (hormonal and structural) when appearance changes and self-esteem is often at its most vulnerable.

Whilst this is happening, young people have to negotiate the pressure of an increasingly demanding life. Developments in family life, transitions between schools, exam stress, peer pressure, social media can all build until it seems overwhelming.

Depression and anxiety are not uncommon at this age, often accompanied with a poor sense of self.

There are evidence based therapies adapted specifically for this age group which are proven to help older children and adolescents. 

Following an assessment with both parents and the young person, the therapy best suited to the individual and the problem will be tailored to their specific needs.